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  • Membres | Chafia.fr

    SITE MEMBERS OPENING HOURS SHOP OPEN 24/7 From Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 9am-11.30am Saturday: on request CONTACT MOBILE: +33 (0) Email:contact@chafia.fr Poitiers HELP Shipping Returns Privacy Policy FAQs translation disclaimer Siren number 849286570 RCS number 849286570

  • CARTE CADEAU | Chafia.fr | coaching de vie | réflexologie | Boutique Bio

    GIFT CARD Carte cadeau 35 € Vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper avec une carte cadeau. -Choisissez un montant - Écrivez un message personnalisé - Sélectionnez la date d’envoi et n'oubliez pas d'inscrire le mail du destinataire. ... Read more Amount 35 € 45 € 50 € 70 € 75 € 80 € 90 € Other amount Quantity Buy Now

  • ABONNEMENT | Chafia.fr

    Formule d'abonnement Cadeau d'abonnement à la newsletter € 0 0€ Apprendre à vous relaxer avec un automassage de la main ou DO-IN palmaire Free Plan Selectionner Inclut « Réflexologie Palmaire et Do-In : Techniques Ancestr Sans engagement, vous pouvez arréter votre abonnement quand vous le désirez.

  • FORUM | Chafia.fr | développement personnel | réflexologie | boutique Bio | Poitiers

    To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts LE FORUM CHAFIA COACHING Découvrez votre forum ainsi que toutes ses fonctionnalités. Créer un nouveau post REFLEXOLOGIE Et autres médecines alternatives, pour se soigner autrement. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow GEMMOTHERAPIE La gemmothérapie est une médecine non conventionnelle fondée par le docteur Pol Henry... subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL Bienvenue ! Faites un tour sur cette page et rejoignez les conversations. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 4 Follow New Posts Elise Apr 17, 2023 Calmer son esprit DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL L’œil de l'hippopotame Un hippopotame traversait un marigot lorsque, soudain, l'un de ses yeux se détacha et tomba au fond de l'eau. L'hippopotame se mit alors à chercher de tous côtés. Il tournait et retournait sur lui-même, fouillait à gauche, à droite, devant et derrière lui. Mais il ne trouvait pas trace de son œil. En le voyant faire, les oiseaux du fleuve ne cessaient de lui crier : - Calme-toi ! Mais calme-toi donc ! Mais l'hippopotame affolé ne les entendait pas. Il lui fallait absolument retrouver son œil perdu. Alors les poissons et les grenouilles joignirent leurs voix à celles des oiseaux : - Calme-toi, hippopotame ! Mais calme-toi donc ! Finalement, l'hippopotame finit par les entendre. Il s'immobilisa et les regarda. Aussitôt, la vase et la boue qu'il soulevait en pataugeant se posèrent au fond du marigot. Et entre ses pattes, dans l'eau redevenue claire, l'hippopotame aperçut son œil. Il le ramassa et le remit à sa place. Souvent l'agitation de notre esprit nous empêche de voir la solution qui pourtant se trouve la plupart du temps sous notre nez. Et vous qu'en pensez-vous ? Comment faites-vous pour calmer votre esprit lorsque vous êtes envahi par certaines idées ou problèmes ? Une méthode que j'utilise, c'est l'auto-hypnose que vous pouvez retrouver sur youtube par exemple. Mais cela peut-être aussi la marche, le yoga ou autres. Et pour vous, qu'est-ce qui fonctionne ? Like 1 0 comments 0 Elise Dec 01, 2022 La confiance en soi DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL Je viens de rédiger un article sur le blog, concernant la confiance en soi. Si vous souhaitez partager vos avis ou expérience ou même vos croyances concernant ce sujet, je me ferai un plaisir de vous lire ainsi que de vous répondre. Vous pouvez toujours consulter l'article en question en cliquant sur le lien, j'espère qu'il vous apportera quelque chose de positif sur ce sujet^_____^ Like 1 0 comments 0 Elise Dec 21, 2021 Les ados et le rapport à la nourriture DÉVELOPPEMENT PERSONNEL Je lance ce sujet car, à l'adolescence, apparaissent souvent des troubles du comportement alimentaire. Je sais qu'en tant que parents ça peut aussi devenir vite anxiogène. Entre la boulimie, l'anorexie, des conduites de grignotages ou manger des choses non-alimentaires, les troubles peuvent être très variés. On constate aussi que ces difficultés touchent de plus en plus les garçons. Si vous avez des témoignages ou des questions sur ce sujet, n'hésitez pas à venir en parler sur ce post, cela pourra aider d'autres personnes ou alors vous rassurez ou vous orienter sur la façon d'appréhender ces difficultés. Voici déjà une petite vidéo qui pourra vous aiguiller sur le sujet. Les troubles du comportement alimentaire Like 1 0 comments 0 Forum - Frameless GROUP OF LYRICS

  • Chafia coaching : en savoir plus | Chafia.fr | Poitiers

    Find out more At the start of my professional career, I turned to medico-social, integrating a structure that supports people with mental disabilities. It was during this period that I obtained my diploma in medico-psychological assistance (at 25) and where I really discovered what psychology was. This universe fascinated me and under the impetus of my teacher, I therefore decided to undertake a DEUG in psychology in Poitiers, which I validated after these two years, at the age of 29. I subsequently had 3 children and it was during my last parental leave that I resumed my studies in the 3rd year of the license, with the faculty of psychology of Clermont Ferrand. It was very enriching for me, because the faculty of Poitiers and that of Clermont have quite different approaches to psychology. One being a cognitivist and the other a psychoanalytic approach. This allowed me to have a greater openness and more in-depth knowledge of these two disciplines. I then continued in master 1 at the faculty of Poitiers, in clinical psychology with specialties in psychopathology and criminology. I could not finish my course for lack of financial means. It was while thinking about what I could do with this theoretical knowledge that I became interested in the profession of personal development coach. But the practice of sessions being different from "classic" psychology, by professional ethics, I had to follow a training course to give quality coaching, which I carried out with Mr. Robert MELCUS and which I validated at 39 years. The different types of help that I was able to provide throughout my career aroused the desire in me to complete personal development coaching with physiological assistance. Because during my many experiences, I have seen that we cannot separate the mind from the body. So it was while doing my training that I discovered facial reflexology. This approach convinced me immediately, on the one hand because it is based on an ancient medicine, Chinese medicine, which for me is a guarantee of seriousness, and on the other hand, because it is an approach that everyone can benefit including people with chronic diseases. But also the face is a special part of the body, in the sense that it poses less of a problem in terms of modesty and because it is extremely sensitive. So I did my training with a doctor in Chinese medicine, Mrs. NGUYEN TOUCHON Phuong Dieu. It is by meeting different people during my activity that I continue to improve myself and want to provide individualized care. My vocation is that you find the necessary resources within yourself, so that you achieve your goals or simply to feel your best in your life. You can find a complementary article by clicking on the link below in the PontoPro web magazine: https://www.prontopro.fr/blog/prendre-en-charge-la-globalite-du-probleme-en-associant-psychologie-reflexologie-et-produits-naturels/ Presentation during a facebook live It was by thinking about what I could do with this theoretical knowledge that I became interested in the profession of coach in development personal . But the practices of sessions being different from "classic" psychology, par Professional Ethics , I had to follow a training course to give a quality coaching , which I made with Mr.Robert MELCUS and that I validated at 39 years old. The different types of help that I have been able to provide throughout my career have aroused the desire in me, tocomplement personal development coaching with physiological support . Because during my many experiences, I have seen that you cannot separate the mind from the body. It was therefore while doing my training that I discovered thefacial reflexology . _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-4358cf58bad3-319 This approach immediately convinced me, firstly because it is based on ancient medicine, chinese medicine , which for me is a guarantee of seriousness, and on the other hand, because it is an approach from which everyone can benefit, includingpeople with chronic illnesses . The face is a particular part of the body, in the sense that it poses less of a problem in terms ofmodesty and because she is extremely sensitive . So I did my training with aChinese medicine doctor , madam NGUYEN TOUCHON Phuong God . It is by meeting different people during my activity that I continue to improve myself and want to bring des individualized care . My vocation is that you find the necessary resources within you, so that you achieve your goals or simply to feel the best in your life. ​ Last trainings carried out : ​ - Traumatic memory , led by ProfessorBoris CYRULNIC (01/19/2021); - The Depression , led by Dr. 𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙋𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙤 , Psychiatrist, University Professor, Hospital Practitioner (PU-PH University Paris-Est Créteil). (09/16/2022) - In progress, plantar and palmar reflexology. You can find a complementary article by clicking on the link below from the PontoPro web magazine: https://www.prontopro.fr/blog/prendre-en-charge-la-globalite-du-probleme-en-associant-psychologie-reflexologie-et-produits-naturels/


    TRAINING COACHING FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY COACHING AND FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY WELL-BEING CONSULTATION SUMMARY SUMMARY Coaching sessions: - 1st free session (making contact) - RSA / Student : 40 euros for one hour . - Regular price : 50 euros for one hour - Possibility by videoconference at the same price as above, a meeting link will be given to you on the booking form. - 5 euros extra for travel expenses in Poitiers, outside Poitiers on request. ​ P possibility of staggering payments and paying by credit card on site. BOOK YOUR SESSION BOOK YOUR SESSION Facial reflexology: ​ - RSA / Student : Care :40 euros for approximately 1h15, including the 45-minute treatment plus the preliminary meeting to determine what your current needs are. - Normal price :Care :50 euros for approximately 1h15, including the 45-minute treatment plus the preliminary meeting to determine what your current needs are. - 5 euros extra for travel expenses in Poitiers, outside Poitiers on request. ​ Possibility of staggering payments and paying by credit card on site. Combination of coaching and facial reflexology: ​ - at the rate of one session each per week, i.e. 2 hours in all, either one after the other or at different times. - RSA/Student : 70 euros per week - Regular price : 90 euros per week - by counting in addition the 5 euros for travel expenses. ​ Possibility of staggering payments and paying by credit card on site. BOOK YOUR SESSION BOOK YOUR SESSION Well-being counseling: ​ - By phone, videoconference or face-to-face. If by video, a meeting link will be given to you on the booking form. - Reservation of the session from 30 minutes to one hour according to your needs, at the price of40 euros , by paypal or any other credit card. ​ Possibility of staggering payments and paying by credit card on site.

  • Déclaration d'accessibilité | Chafia.fr


  • clause de non-responsabilité traduction | Chafia.fr

    Disclaimers translation THIS SERVICE MAY CONTAIN TRANSLATIONS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE. GOOGLE DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY AND RELIABILITY, AS WELL AS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND CONFORMITY. The Chafia.fr website has been translated for information purposes using translation software provided by Google Translate. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide you with an accurate translation, but no machine translation is perfect or intended to replace the work of human translators. Translations are offered as a service to users of the Chafia.fr website and are provided "as is". No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability or correctness of translations made from the following language: French. Due to the limitations of the translation software, some content (such as images, videos, Flash elements, etc.) may not be translated exactly. The official text appears in the French version of the website. Any errors or differences generated in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for purposes of compliance or enforcement. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of the information on the translated website, please refer to the English version of the website, which is the official version.

  • FAQ| Chafia coaching| réflexologie faciale| boutique de produits Bio

    Personal development coaching and facial reflexology faqs 1- Is the first coaching session really free? In coaching, yes, the first session is free because it will allow us to identify what you want to work on in particular, define the conditions of our sessions and finally conclude our partnership. 2- Is facial reflexology really suitable for children? Yes, it is a practice that is suitable for children. I adapted the basic protocol of a session to suit her needs. But it is only in the presence of this one that I can really judge what should be done and all that obviously depends on his goodwill. This is why his consent is essential for the smooth running of a session. (From 6 years old). As with adults, we can work on problems with falling asleep, waking up at night or stress or more specific things such as ear infections, which can be problematic at this age. 3- How does a coaching session work? I would like to remind you that this is not a psychotherapy work. We are therefore going to work on the objective that you will have set yourself previously. Through questioning, we will establish the different perspectives and the means to be implemented to achieve this. But also by analyzing the reasons that are holding you back. Depending on the progress of the sessions, you will be required to use different tools that I will suggest to you. The sessions end with a small update on what happened and with a proposal for reflection to have for the next session. Of course all this is not fixed and there are sometimes adaptations to be made....We are not machines, it's just to give you an idea. 4- What is the payment procedure? You can pay by credit card or via Paypal.

  • La réflexologie faciale | Chafia.fr | boutique Bio | Poitiers

    TRAINING COACHING/THERAPY FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY COACHING AND FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY WELL-BEING CONSULTATION SUMMARY FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY BOOK YOUR SESSION It is a technique of acupuncture without needle , based on Chinese medicine , created at the time of the yellow emperor Huang Di, 2500 years before JC. It allows to stimulate with the fingers and specific tools, areas and reflection points on the face to mobilize the body's natural self-regulatory processes . This technique therefore makes it possible to prevent and relieve many everyday ailments , such as stress, insomnia, headaches, inflammation (...), without automatically having to resort to medication. It makes it possible, for example, to reduce the intake of cortisone (with a possible combination of gemmotherapy). We can also combine these two types of treatment, reflexology and drug treatments , without any contraindication, even with chronic diseases. For ailments that have been in place for some time, as a cure , it is preferable to plan one session per week until improvement . Otherwise these can be seasonal for a preventive purpose, to rebalance energies or according to your convenience. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY - For men it is strongly recommended toto be shaved . -RSA / Student : Care : 45 euros For Approximately 1h15 , including the care of45 minutes and thepreliminary interview to determine what your current needs are. -Normal price : Care :55 euros ForApproximately 1h15 , including the care of45 minutes and thepreliminary interview to determine what your current needs are. - To expect5 additional euros for travel in Poitiers , to see if it is further, in a sector of around 20 kilometers. - Découvrir CRANIAL MASSAGE Personalize this content with your information. Click to edit the text. Cranial massage helps fight fatigue, reduce stress, reduce headaches, combat insomnia and calm tension in the neck and upper back. Practiced sitting on aadapted chair , the treatment lasts approximately25 minutes . This massage is oil-free but will have some impact on your hairstyle 😁. Prepare your hairbrush accordingly if necessary. The price charged is40 euros at full price and 35 euros for people with financial difficulties. Thereof total reality of the session including'interview is of45 minutes . : He is also possible to combine head massage with plantar reflexology . The session lasts two hours, maintenance and care included, for a full price of 80 euros and a rate for people with financial difficulties of 70 euros. Découvrir FOOT REFLEXOLOGY ​ ​ About thefoot reflexology , it will be recommended that you have clean feet Andwithout any particular problems such as strains or fungus. Thanking you for your understanding. The prices charged are the same as for facial reflexology. He is also possible combine head massage with plantar reflexology . The session laststwo o'clock , maintenance and care included, for a full price of 80 euros and a rate for people with financial difficulties of70 euros . Découvrir BOOK YOUR SESSION Philippe, Poitiers “Last night I discovered head massage, a gift from my daughters.... Pure happiness, a treat... run to Chafia's house, the welcome is very pleasant and her practice is excellent!!! I highly recommend!!! »

  • Le coaching en développement personnel | Chafia Coaching| Poitiers

    TRAINING COACHING FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY COACHING AND FACIAL REFLEXOLOGY WELL-BEING CONSULTATION SUMMARY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COACHING "To accompany someone is to place oneself neither in front, nor behind, nor in his place, but it is to be at his side." To summarize, the coaching that I practice offers the possibility of acting on three main axes: Modalities of the sessions Book your session Individual Listen Analysis Understanding of needs Help in developing an action plan and taking action Advice if necessary: business creation, learning techniques, tools, ... From : 40 euros Reserve Group Analyse of needs Search for suitable tools Project proposal via prezi or mind map Putting these participatory workshops into practice Animation From : to be determined according to your needs Contact me Health Listening to needs Analysis of the appearance of symptoms: environment, living conditions, behavior, etc. Determination of objectives and support. From : 40 euros Reserve Learn more - THEcoaching can be usedin parallel to a job of therapy but it cannot replace it. The two approaches can be complementary - Plan approximately 5 to 10 sessions , depending on your needs, which cannot be spaced more than 2 weeks apart, the ideal being one session per week, over approximately 1 to 2 months. ​ - For therapy sessions , the duration can vary over time according to your needs. - Therefirst session, who isfree , is made forbuild OURrelationship Anddefine Aobjective ofwork . Subsequently, the sessions last on average one hour, at a cost of 55 euros or 45 euros for students and RSA beneficiaries. Possibility of staggering payments. There is a supplement of 5 euros for travel costs in Poitiers, then see in an area of approximately 20 kilometers. - The session can last an additional half hour, to which 5 euros will have to be added to the base price. - The location must be agreed together. Book your session Charter of ethics : - The coach followed a professional training which allowed him to specialize in the field of coaching. His skills to exercise professionally were validated by the organization or trainer who provided this training. At the request of its customers, it provides them with clear information on the nature of his training and the different qualifications obtained. - The coach is required to professional secret . - It is also important to know that as a coach professional, I have a supervisor who accompanies me in my work, Mr Melcus Robert. - The coach has no obligation to achieve results. - Refusal of a mission: The coach has the right to refuse a mission if it does not seem to him to conform to his ethics , has his competences or to the interest of the person or organization . He then directs the customer towards other solutions. Latest training completed: ​ - Traumatic memory, hosted by Professor Boris Cyrulnic (01/19/2021); - Depression, led by Dr. 𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙋𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙤, Psychiatrist, University Professor, Hospital Practitioner (PU-PH Université Paris-Est Créteil).(09/16/2022 ) - Giftedness between myth and reality, by clinical psychologist Mr Debroux Pierre (12/2022). - Plantar reflexology and seated Ayurvedic head massage (2023). - Love, couple and relationships through non-violent communication by Thomas D'Ansembourg (2023)

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